They are probably your all-time favourite OMGs and maybe the best things about your nights. You know you enjoy it and deep down you’ll be probably wanting to have more of it. Cause why not? They are fun and has certain benefits as well at the same time!
Everything gets better with age after all! The reason behind this is that because you get to know your body better and are more comfortable with sex when you get older. Something to look forward to then?
It’s obviously fun! But did you know masturbating is good for you people? Many studies show that orgasms can actually reduce pain, relieve cramps and alleviate stress. Won’t you want that ‘whoop whoop’ now?
You might be knowing that men have orgasms faster than women. But they also have orgasm at least once a day compared to what only 15 per cent of the women experience. That’s unfair, right?
It turns out that orgasms might actually be good for your health. This is because there’s a strong correlation between orgasms and mortality rates and those who orgasm two times a week or more can add up to eight years on to their life. Apparently, it boosts the immune system, heart health and brain power.
Frequent sex can increase collagen production, which helps to reduce age spots and keep skin looking young and taut. Apparently, orgasms also give you oxytocin (known as ‘the love hormone’) which produces ‘glowing effects’. Cheaper than facials and way more enjoyable, right?
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